Wednesday, July 30, 2008


...a little dream of boxes and boxes of brand new catalogs arriving at my house any second now. Please dream this dream. Because I would (almost) auction off my hubby to the highest bidder to get my greedy hands on a catty before I leave for vacation on Saturday. Well, I guess I wouldn't really auction him off. After all, he is taking me to the happiest place on earth. No, not Sea World, that is the Happiest Place on Earth for Little Miss. We are going to Disney! But don't tell my darling little one if you see her, ok? If you do she will make a sound that only dogs and dolphins can hear and then all I will hear for the next week is, "Are we going today?".

So, let's look at a card instead, ok? How about this one?

I was strolling through Michaels the other day stocking up on stickers for the kiddo because I am out of rubber scraps for her to make art with, when I passed down the Martha Stewart aisle. I happened to see the ribbon that is on the left of my card, and after my friend Lydia used it so effectively, thereby enabling me, I had to try some out. Thanks, Lydia...for making such adorable creations that I feel the need to go in search of more ribbon, because that is what my stamping area needs, more ribbon!

But this ribbon is special, because it is self-adhesive ribbon. Do you know what that is like for a ribbon-challenged gal like myself? It is like figuring out how to use the Force, finding the One Ring, getting beamed out of the Borg ship just in the nick of....

....sorry, folks! Had a little sci-fi freaky teen flashback there. Hey, it's not like I ever actually went to a Star Trek convention and wore a Bajoran earring and stood in line to meet Michael Dorn and squealed like a school girl when he actually touched my arm or anything like that. And it's certainly not like I did that when I was, say, 23 years old or so. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Back to the topic at hand...the ribbon. It is really pretty and so easy to work with, you will want to fly with me to Salt Lake City and beg Shelli Gardner to please, please use her powers for the good of all stampers and give us some SU ribbon like this. Anyway, I was drawn to the pretty orange toned ribbons in the pack (you get 4 designs...this pack had the two you see on the card, plus a wide orange print ribbon and another of the sand colored ones as well). Here are more details on the card:

Stamp set: Happiness Always (new Level 3 hostess set coming August 11)
Cardstock: River Rock (base), Tangerine Tango (new In Color), Cameo Coral, and Natural White
Ink: Cameo Coral, Tangerine Tango, and Ruby Red
Extras: Martha Stewart Self-Adhesive "tape" (that is her name for it, not mine)

Just goes to prove the theory, if you give me a lever long enough, I can move the world. But if you give me a stamp-a-ma-jig, I can move it to the exact spot I want it!

*****Susan G. Komen update*****

I am registering our team name as soon as I finish this post. Cecile, you clever girl! I asked for team name help and Cecile had her thinking cap on when she came up with the STAMPeders. LOVE IT!!! That will be the team name and I will put details on here about how to register so anyone that wants to come join us on November 2nd at a very early hour in the morning can! Or you can pay extra and sleep in for the cure if you want.

I hope everyone has a great day, and until next time...Happy Stamping!


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